G&Z TCP/IP Port Multiplexer for ACM (GZPPlex™)
Connect to an ACM server by contacting a single, master port
Facilitates and simplifies site initated transfers over the Internet for PollView and MLINK ACM

Remote MLink sites doing site-initiated polling using TCP/IP connections can now connect to an ACM server by contacting a single, master port. The G&Z Port Multiplexer listening on that port can inform the remote site which TCP/IP port is available for its use.

  Why is the G&Z TCP/IP Port Multiplexer for ACM Useful?  
Using the normal site-initiated mechanism (callacm) , the remote MLink must attempt to contact one of a list of pre-defined port numbers, trying each sequentially until it finds a free port or exhausts the list. On average this produces failures for half of all site initiated calls.

  G&Z TCP/IP Port Multiplexer Solves The Problem  
With The G&Z Port Multiplexer, remote sites need only be configured with a single port number to contact. The result is ease of installation of new sites and no fruitless contact attempts of busy ports. This also allows for the addition of extra TCP/IP ports by changing the configuration of only the ACM server, not the remote sites.

The G&Z Port Multiplexer consists of two components, a process which provides the listener function on the ACM server, GZPPLEX, and a replacement script for callacm, called callplex. GZPPLEX communicates directly with the ACM database using ACM's native communication methods. This makes the G&Z Port Multiplexer extremely fast, so there is no delay getting your information flowing.

For more detailed technical information on the G&Z TCP/IP Port Multiplexer, or to arrange for purchase and installation, please contact G&Z at info@g-and-z.com or 1-800-345-5600.

A Tech Note describing in detail the functionality of GZPplex is available here.

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