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Aunty!!! Aunty's BackCheck
A simple, wholesome utility for checking results of NTBackup.exe

Aunty's BackCheck reports the status of ntbackup.exe jobs to you via email. It can be run as a scheduled task, or interactively.
When run as a scheduled task, it scans the most recent ntbackup.exe job log and will

  • Send an email alert when a job is nearing tape capacity
  • Or simply report information about the job.

    What's contained in a report? What's in a report? Sample Reports

It can also be run interactively, allowing you to select a specific ntbackup.exe log for analysis on screen.

Are you responsible for monitoring backups for one server on your local network?
Perhaps your responsibilities include monitoring multiple servers outside your organization?

BackCheck will simplify your job by automatically emailing the status of the last backup job as scheduled.
No need to connect to the remote server - the info is delivered right to your mailbox. Imagine not having to hunt down the latest job log and read the raw log for its results. And if you need to keep historical tracking of backup data, BackCheck optionally includes its output in CSV format for inclusion in a spreadsheet or database.

Aunty's BackCheck is:

  • Simple to install, configure and use.
  • A tool that will make monitoring backup jobs faster and easier.
  • Priced Right - Limited Time!!!
  • Supported on XP, Windows Server 2000 & 2003
    (Vista coming soon!)
  • Comprised of only the finest all natural ingredients.
  • Low in Calories and Carbohydrates.
  • 100% free of Trans-Fatty Acids.
  • 100% Made in the USA.

Ready to give it a try?
Click to download your trial

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Aunty's BackCheck is designed specifically for use with ntbackup.exe which is Windows Server's included backup program.
For environments utilizing CA ARCserve or Symatec Backup Exec
we recommend G & Z's Arclog Distiller.

G & Z Systems, Inc. · 22 Saw Mill River Rd. · Hawthorne, NY 10532
1-800-333-5373 - info@g-and-z.com - (914) 345-5600